In order to effectively achieve the goals and needs of providers and users of transport services, Macedonian Transport Association (MTA) was formed on 01.03.2012 within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia. It is a unique organizational form of action in the Republic of Macedonia, where despite providers of transport services by rail, air, road and postal services, will also unite users of transport services that will contribute towards the development of transport according to the needs of export-oriented companies.
The establishment of this association is primarily 'association of companies operating in this area in order to overcome problems in this field and contribute with opinions, suggestions and solutions to certain legal regulations, as well as promotion and development activity.
Some of the activities of the Association shall be directed to the need for improving the quality of rail service, carrying the appropriate regulations for combined transport, development of multimodal facilities for interconnection and transshipment of goods conveyed as a condition for functional and efficient transport logistics and transport infrastructure issues. In this regard, the Association will review the possibilities for adopting a strategy that will contribute to the development of multimodal transport concept system in Macedonia.
Mr. Ivan Petrovski from Fersped AD,Skopje is President of the Association and according to the rules by which the Association works, the two Vice Presidents areJane Adamcheski from Makstil and Kire Dimanoski from Macedonian Railways Transport AD Skopje.
Contact Address: Contact person: Biljana Peeva- Gjurik
Economic Chamber of Macedonia Tel: (02) 3244034 Fax: (02) 3244088
Str. Dimitrie Cupovski, 13 Call Center: (02) 15015
1000 Skopje E-mail: