Chamber investment Forum 03.07.2020
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With a view of supporting and promoting economic dimension of the Berlin Process, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and Kosovo Chamber of Commerce have proposed establishment of a regional platform that will facilitate closer cooperation among business communities in the region in other to promote economic development and regional cooperation.

On the margins of the Vienna summit, on 27 August 2015, the six chambers of commerce and industry of the Western Balkans, namely Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chamber of Commerce of Kosovo, Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, along with two chambers from the two EU member states, Croatian Chamber of Economy and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, under the auspices of the EUROCHAMBRES and with the support of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) and the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), have established the Western Balkan Chamber Investment Forum (CIF).

CIF Goals

CIF’s main objectives are:

    removing the obstacles to economic regional cooperation,
    sustainable development of the WB region in the context of the EU integration
    Improving business and investment climate in the region.

CIF Mission

WB CIF represents the voice of over 350,000 companies, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises from the region. The platform serves the purpose of intensifying and concretization of the inter-chamber cooperation and conducting activities in the common interest of the business communities.

The mission of Chamber investment Forum is to provide more efficient involvement of business communities of the countries in the Region in the implementation of ongoing and planned infrastructure and other projects of importance for economic prosperity of the Western Balkans.

CIF Activities

CIF Main activities are:

    Economic development inside the Western Balkans
    Development of entrepreneurial spirit, then small and medium sized enterprises and enhancing local as well as cross-border investment in favour of development and increase of employment
    Sharing of human resources and structure in the fields of research, education and communication
    Managing and organizing activities regarding visibility of the WB CIF performance as well as its members in the implementation of certain activities
    Collecting financial resources, especially from European Union funds as well as other international donors in the aim of meeting the program objectives

Contact person: Tatjana Sterjova Duskovska, PhD

Phone: ++ 389 2 3244065, М. 070 276 023
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