Stefan Peter, President of the Foreign Investors Council addressed the Macedonian-Austrian Forum
➢ News (31.03.2023, во 12:39:00)
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Stefan Peter, President of the Foreign Investors Council addressed the Macedonian-Austrian ForumClick for more

Organized by the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia and the Trade Office at the Austrian Embassy in Skopje together with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, the Macedonian-Austrian Forum included addresses from the presidents of the two countries, Stevo Pendarovski and Alexander Van der Bellen, followed by the Deputy President of the RNM Government in charge of Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi, the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi, and the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova, who presented the potentials of our country, the opportunities for investments and greater cooperation.

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber has set the trends and provided a positive example to all chambers of commerce in the Western Balkan countries years on end, introducing best practices to promote the national economies and spearheading trends in digitalization and education.


Stefan Peter, CEO of EVN Skopje and President of the Foreign Investors Council at the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, greeted the guests from Austria and Macedonia on behalf of the foreign investors in the Republic of North Macedonia.

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