The Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, through the Private Sector Regional Integration Support Activity (PSRISA) implemented in partnership with USAID, continues with activities aimed at supporting export-oriented companies in their efforts to conquer new markets and to network with potential partners from the EU and beyond.
Four domestic companies that manufacture building materials, with the support of the Chamber and PSRISA, had the opportunity to visit the 33rd International Fair for Construction and Building Materials MEGRA 2024, held from 17 to 19 May in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia. The companies Ading Skopje, Bautek Skopje, BIM Sveti Nikole, and Usjepor Skopje had the chance to establish direct contacts with construction contractors from Slovenia, Austria, and Hungary, which traditionally attend the MEGRA Fair. In addition to the exhibition part where more than 175 companies were presented with stands, educational workshops were held during the Fair on digitalization in the construction sector, standards in production and execution, 3D printing, and new trends in the industry. These segments are of particular importance for building competitiveness and export potential in the single EU market.

This year, the MEGRA 2024 Fair in Gornja Radgona included more than 175 exhibitors from 11 EU countries and from around the world, covering an area of 9,900 m2. This was an excellent opportunity for an export-oriented company to establish contacts and showcase its products to potential buyers from abroad. In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Macedonian export-oriented companies were provided with information about potential partners from Slovenia, with whom meetings were held during the Fair.
The need for support for Macedonian companies in the field of export promotion has not only been recognized by the Chamber but is already being provided through concrete steps to support domestic companies in participating in international fairs of interest to various sectors. This is done in consultation with the companies, aiming to timely identify opportunities for participation in trade events that create export potential. This includes a greater presence in traditional markets as well as expanding into new markets.

Building export capacities, promoting competitiveness, regionalization, and internationalization of Macedonian export-oriented companies are the main goals that the team of the Private Sector Regional Integration Support Activity plans to achieve. This will be carried out through participation in international fairs, B2B meetings, organizing buyer missions, and other promotional activities that will contribute to a greater presence in traditional markets and expansion into new markets.
Through the Private Sector Regional Integration Support Activity, USAID supports the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia in better integrating businesses into regional and global value chains and strengthening their capacity to be competitive in the Western Balkans and more broadly in the EU. The idea is to create tools for public-private dialogue, promote the benefits of regional economic integration to the business community, research and enhance export opportunities, and provide sustainable export services to exporting companies.