Letter of Gratitude to Goran Antevski – president of AOTS Macedonia and president of EFAAS
➢ News (25.09.2020, во 00:00:00)
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Letter of Gratitude to Goran Antevski – president of AOTS Macedonia and president of EFAASClick for more

Goran Antevski, M.Sc., President of AOTS Macedonia (Japanese Association of Overseas Technical Cooperation in Macedonia) and president of EFAAS - European Federation of AOTS Alumni Societies, has been presented with ambassadorial Letter of Gratitude from H.E. Keiko Haneda, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of North Macedonia.

Antevski, being a manager of Rade Konchar – Transformers and Electrical Plants – TEP Skopje, renowned member firm of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, is also Deputy President of the Exporters’ Club under the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.

The formal ceremony was held on 24/09/2020 with the attendance of H.E. Keiko Haneda, Deputy Ambassador Satoru Takahashi and members of the Steering Committee of AOTS Macedonia.

The Association of Overseas Technical Cooperation (AOTS) was founded in 1959 with the support of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan – METI (currently Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) as the first technical cooperation organization on a private basis in Japan.

Throughout its 21 years of existence and operation, AOTS Macedonia has trained and provided scholarships to over 200 Macedonian citizens in the AOTS centers in Japan.

The total number of participants trained in Japan and of those trained in their respective countries has surpassed 400,000, which covers 170 countries across the world.


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