In the Chamber for almost five years successfully functions the “Education and Human Resources Development Center “, which recognizing the need of the companies for supplementary education as part of the Program for education of adults, has organized a great number of education events, seminars, trainings, presentations, conferences and workshops aimed at raising the economy bearers awareness level in our country for professional educated personnel.
The Education Center is striving to help its members and constantly follows their needs. Regularly on the meetings of the associations, branch associations and groups are organized polls, in order to offer trainings which will be useful for them.
The Center is organizing trainings on several issues which support and promote entrepreneurship, competitiveness and innovations.
Great part of the trainings is intended for management staff and part to employees.
Considering the fact that a large percent of the members of the Chamber (more than 94%) are small and medium enterprises, the Chamber during 2011 has realized activities which will help the companies to develop their entrepreneurial ideas and their competitiveness.
The Education Center is spurring the entrepreneurial spirit, competitiveness and professionalism in the business sector, contributing the existing companies to be developed into the spirit of European trends within the economy operation, which have direct reflection to the economy as a whole and contributes through business sector our country to become equal member with the European economic operation and competitiveness.