According to the Law on Chambers of Commerce and the Statute of the Chamber of Commerce of North Macedonia, the Assembly of the Chamber is the highest body of the Chamber.
The Assembly of the Chamber has 85 members.
The sessions of the Assembly are convened and chaired by the Chairman of the Assembly.
Mr. Risto Janevski Phd, OKTA AD - Skopje, is the Chairman of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.
Members of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia in the mandate period 2020-2025:
⮞ Ajdovan Ademoski, SITI PLAZA, Skopje
⮞ Aleksandar Cadikovski, TGS TEHNICKI GASOVI, Skopje
⮞ Aleksandar Cvetanov, MAKPROGRES, Vinica
⮞ Aleksandar Gechev Msc, IGM TRADE, Kavadarci
⮞ Aleksandar Manev, FAKTOR PORTAL, Skopje
⮞ Aleksandar Pajkovski, DUNA, Skopje
⮞ Aleksandra Bilbilovska, PIVARA SKOPJE, Skopje
⮞ Anatol Kutrevski M.A., PEKABESKO, Skopje
⮞ Aneta Antova Pesheva, ULTRA, Skopje
⮞ Angelka Peeva Laurenchich M.A., IMAGE PR, Skopje
⮞ Asmir Jahoski, PUCKO-PETROL, Makedonski Brod
⮞ Atanas Kirov, DIMKO MITREV, Veles
⮞ Avram Stojcevski, VAN HOOL Macedonia, Skopje
⮞ Biljana Deskoska, ALIANCE ONE MACEDONIA, Kavadarci
⮞ Blagoj Hristov, MAKEDONSKI TELEKOM, Skopje
⮞ Blagoja Ustinijanovski, SPARKASSE BANKA MAKEDONIJA AD SKOPJE, Skopje
⮞ Darko Nikoloski, MERMEREN KOMBINAT, Prilep
⮞ Dimitar Kochovski, TE-TO, Skopje
⮞ DR. Anita Blazevska, PHILIP MORRIS, Skopje
⮞ DR. Dragana Chifliganec, ADORA INZENERING, Skopje
⮞ DR. Kocho Angjushev, BRAKO, Veles
⮞ DR. Risto Janevski, OKTA, Skopje
⮞ Dushan Pecovski, REPLEKFARM, Skopje
⮞ Gerasim Kujundziev, EURONIKEL INDUSTRY, kavadarci
⮞ Gjorge Matevski, BUTEL AD, Skopje
⮞ Goce Serafimovski, ALFI BI KOMPANI, Kumanovo
⮞ Goran Antevski M.A., RADE KONCAR TEP, Skopje
⮞ Goran Pavikevic M.A., SPORT-LAIF TRADE, Skopje
⮞ Hamim Dauti, DAUTI-KOMERC A.D. SKOPJE, Skopje
⮞ Hariton Gadzovski, -, -
⮞ Igor Davkov, SKOPJE EAST GATE, Skopje
⮞ Ile Nikolov, AKTIVA, SHtip
⮞ Ilios Vilos Prof.PhD., technical Faculty Bitola, Bitola
⮞ Irena Jakimovska, COMFY ANGEL, Prilep
⮞ Ivan Petrovski, FERSHPED, Skopje
⮞ Ivica Karapetrov, BUCIM, Radovish
⮞ Ivica Talevski, RUDNICI SASA, Makedonska Kamenica
⮞ Jovan Donevski, Butel pogreben servis AD, Skopje
⮞ Kiril Velichkovski, IMPERIAL TOBAKO TKS, Skopje
⮞ Klime Meshkov, SWISSLION PI, Skopje
⮞ Marija Dukovska Pavlovska, MAKSTIL, Skopje
⮞ Marika Karadzova, EVROPA, Skopje
⮞ Marina Badarovska Mishevska M.Sc, MAKOTEN (Kazino - Hotel Flamingo), Gevgelija
⮞ Martin Velkovski, FAKOM, Skopje
⮞ Melita Gugulovska, SAVA OSIGURUVANjE, Skopje
⮞ Mladen Damev, SKOPSKI PAZAR, Skopje
⮞ Nikola Bitrak, COLENCO, Skopje
⮞ Nikola Pandev, ZIKOL, Strumica
⮞ Ntasha Stojkoska, VITAMINKA, Prilep
⮞ Pavle Gacov M.A., PRO AGENS, Skopje
⮞ Petar Denkovski, VEROPULOS, Skopje
⮞ Petar Spaseski, ASP PAK, Ohrid
⮞ Petar Vercko, TAB-MAK, Probishtip
⮞ Prof. DR. Blagica Novkovska, UNIVERZITET ZA TURIZAM I MENADZMENT, Skopje
⮞ Prof. DR. Irena Kikerkova, University Snt. "Ciril and Methodius" - Faculty of Economy, Skopje
⮞ Prof. DR. Marjan Bojadziev, UNIVERZITET AMERIKAN KOLEDZ, 1000 Skopje
⮞ Prof. DR. Velimir Stojkovski, FAKULTET ZA VETERINARNA MEDICINA, Skopje
⮞ PROF.DR. Sasho Korunovski, UNIVERZITET SV. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI Bitola, Bitola
⮞ Sami Morina, BAS TUTI FRUTI, Skopje
⮞ Sashko Blazevski, NELT ST DOOEL, Skopje
⮞ Sasho Saltirovski, EVN MAKEDONIJA, Skopje
⮞ Slavco Bujaroski, SIGMA-SB, Skopje
⮞ Snezana Andova, MOZNOSTI Saving house, Skopje
⮞ Todor Delovski, KNAUF, Skopje
⮞ Toni Zlateski, 93 DE-NI-Kompani, Prilep
⮞ Verica Hadzi Vasileva-Markovska, AAG-ANALIZIS END ADVAJZORI GRUP DKM, Skopje
⮞ Vesna Petrovska, OKITEKS, Skopje
⮞ Viktor Mizo M.A., KOSTAL MAKEDONIJA, Ohrid
⮞ Viktor Vlashki MSc, OSIGURITELNA POLISA, Skopje
⮞ Vladimir Gramatikov, TAV MAKEDONIJA, Skopje
⮞ Vladimir Zlatkovski, WIENERBERGER DOOEL VINICA, Vinica
⮞ Vlatko Djordjievski, MESNA INDUSTRIJA I KLANICA, Sveti Nikole
⮞ Zlatko Leov M.Sc, LEOV KOMPANI, Veles
⮞ Zoran Kostovski, ALKALOID, Skopje
⮞ Zoran Milkovski M.A., GRANIT AD, Skopje
Tenth Session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia 13.12.2018
• Program directions for the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2019;• Financial plan of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2019;• Decisions on terminating terms of office, on election and verification of terms of office:- Decision on the termination of the terms of office of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the election of vice-president of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the election of members of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the verification of the term of office of a new representative of “PIVARA SKOPJE” AD Skopje as a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the verification of the terms of office of a new representative of “RUDNIK SASA” DOOEL- Makedonska Kamenica as a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the verification of the term of office of a new representative of “KOZUVCHANKA” DOO- Kavadarci as a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the verification of the term of office of a new representative of AD “BUTEL POGREBEN SERVIS”- Skopje as a member of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; • Export diversification and modern reindustrialization as fundamental processes in the acceleration of the growth of the Macedonian economy.
Ninth Session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia 18.04.2018
• Nonfiscal and parafiscal fees as a burden for the legal entities in the Republic of Macedonia; • Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2017;• Financial report of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2017;• Decisions on the election and verification of term of office:- Decision on the election of a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision for the verification of the term of office for a new representative of “FOD” AD “ELEM” DOOEL- Novaci as a member of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision on the verification of term of office for a new representative of AD “ELEM” Skopje- branch office “REK BITOLA”- Novaci as a member of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; • Decision on changing the Decision on determining the associations based on activities within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
Eighth session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia 13.12.2017
• Program directions for the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2018;• Financial plan of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2018;• Election of a president and of members of the Supervisory Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;• Decisions for verification of the terms of office;• Election of a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
Seventh session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia 11.04.2017• Report for the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia performed in 2016;• Financial report of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2016;• Decisions for ?dismissal and verification of terms of office:- Decision for dismissal of a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision for verification of terms of office of the newly proposed representative of “SILK ROAD BANKA” AD- Skopje for a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; - Decision for verification of terms of office of the newly elected representative from the Trade Association for a member of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;• Promotion of a publication of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia: “DEVLOPING PROSPECTS OF THE CHAMBER SYSTEM IN MACEDONIA” by Branko Azeski and Elena Milevska Shtrbevska, MSc.
Sixth Session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia15th of December, 2016
• Research report of the survey conducted on inspection control in companies;• Program directions for the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2017;• Financial plan of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2017;• Decision for changing and amending the Rulebook of the Permanent Court of Arbitration within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia ;• Decision for verification of the terms of office of the newly proposed representative of “HalkBanka” AD-Skopje for member in the Managing Board of the Economic chamber of Macedonia.
Fifth session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia26.04.2016
• Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2015• Financial Report of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2015• Adoption of decisions confirming mandates:•- Decision confirming the mandate of the newly-nominated representative of PALTEKS AD - Delcevo in the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision confirming the mandate of the newly-nominated representative of LTH CASTINGS DOOEL - Ohrid in the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision confirming the mandate of the newly-nominated representative of PIVARA SKOPJE AD - Skopje as member of the Management Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;• Report on the survey conducted by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia about the dual model of vocational secondary education in the Republic of Macedonia.
Fourth session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia 16.12.2016
• Implementation of the 2015 agendas of chambers of commerce focused on encouraging competitiveness of national economies in the region;• Program guidelines outlining the Economic Chamber of Macedonia’s 2016 activities;• Adopted mandate-confirming decisions:- Decision confirming the mandate of the newly-nominated representative of FZC 11 Oktomvri AD - Kumanovo in the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision confirming the mandate of the newly-nominated representative of Ohridska banka AD - Skopje in the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
Third meeting of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia20.05.2015
Second meeting of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia23.03.2015
Constitutive session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia02.03.2015
Constitutive Session of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia18.02.2010
Decision on the verification of the mandate of the newly elected representatives (members) of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;Decision for election of Chairman of the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;Decision for election of the President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;Action programme of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia and proposals for improvement of certain system measures and activities in 2010;Recommendations of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for amending the legislation under the third phase of the Regulatory guillotine.
II Assembly Session 10.03.2010
Decision on election of Vice- Presidents of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; Decision on election of members of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; Decision for the election of president and members of the Supervisory Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2009; III Assembly Session 10.06.2010
It’s time for dynamic economic growth and employment - discussions, implementation and development;
Financial Report of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;
Decision Amending the Decision on the establishment of Associations within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia
IV Assembly Session 21.12.2010
Presentation of the possibilities of using funds from European Union funds for 2011 and promotion of the Centre for development of ideas in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;
Program guidance to the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2011;
Financial Plan of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2011 V Assembly Session20.04.2011 Monetary policy in order to reduce interest rates; Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2010; Financial Report of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2010; Decision to align the work of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia to the Law on Chambers of Commerce (Official Gazette No. 17/2011)
Statute of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia (to comply with the Law on Chambers of Commerce (Official Gazette No. 17/2011) ;
Rulebook of the Permanent Court – Arbitration at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia
VI Assembly Session15.12.2011 Programme guidance to the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2012Financial Plan of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2012Decision on election of two members of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of MacedoniaDecision on the verification of mandate of the newly proposed representative of EVN Macedonia as a member of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of MacedoniaDecision on the verification of the mandate of the new representative from the Association for Energy, Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metallurgy in the Assembly of the Economic Chamber of MacedoniaDecision amending the Rulebook of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;Consolidated version of the Rulebook of the Permanent Court - Arbitration at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
VII Assembly Session19.04.2012
The consequences of the global economic crisis on the Macedonian economy; Export-catalyst of economic growth; Decision on adoption of the Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2011Decision on adoption of the financial report of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2011Dismissal and election of members of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
The Assembly of Economic Chamber of Macedonia, held a Constitutive meeting, on which were elected the Board of the Chamber, and the President of the Board, who is also President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
In forward is placed the Statute of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
- Statute of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia
In forward is given the Law on the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, elected by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (
- The Law on the Economic Chamber of Macedonia
II Assembly Session 15.12.2006 - Programme directions of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia` activities in 2007 III Assembly Session 21.06.2007 - Draft-measures of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia on trade deficit decreasing; - Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2006;IV Assembly Session 16.10.2007 - Current issues in the implementation of the Law on Labour Relations; V Assembly Session 06.12.2007 - Programme activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2008; - Programme measures of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for the improvement of the business climate in the Republic of Macedonia in 2008 VI Assembly Session 04.04.2008 - Report on the activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in 2007;- Decision for election of the Vice Presidents of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia; - Curriculum Vitae of the elected Vice Presidents
VII Assembly Session 22.12.2008 - Programme activities of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for 2009;- Decision for amendment of the Decision for determining the base for calculation and the contribution rate (membership fee) for the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision for releasing of the members of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia;- Decision for election of members of the Managing Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.