Congratulations to the German Company KOSTAL
➢ News (26.02.2024, во 16:14:00)
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Congratulations to the German Company KOSTALClick for more

Congratulations to the German Company KOSTAL, which is also a member of the Foreign Investors Council, for the certificate presented by the World Customs Organization for successful cooperation with the Customs Administration. The Director of the Customs Administration, Stefan Bogoev together with the General Manager of Kostal Macedonia , Viкtor Mizo, discussed the activities undertaken by the Customs Administration as well as the new projects that are being implemented with the support of the World Bank and the EU, including the National One-Stop Shop System.

At the meeting, Viktor Mizo, who is also the president of  the Foreign Investors Council , emphasized that the analysis of the business investment indicator of the  Foreign Investors Council for 2023 shows that the Customs Administration is the best of all state institutions, which always has support, open discussion and transparency.

KOSTAL Macedonia started production in North  Macedonia in 2016, as a brownfield investment located in Ohrid. KOSTAL Macedonia is now one of the leading companies for the production of electronics components for the automotive industry on a global scale. KOSTAL Macedonia employs 1,050 people, and last year achieved exports of 130 million euros.

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