In the organization of the Foreign Investors Council at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, a lecture was held on the subject of Foreign Direct Investments - Attracting and Retaining, by a guest lecturer from Germany, Dr. Martin Kaspar, a specialist in foreign investments and a regular columnist in fDi Intelligence and Investor Monitor, hosted by Victor Mizo, President of the Foreign Investors Council and Vice President of the KOSTAL group.
In the presence of representatives from companies- foreign investors in the country, representatives from institutions, international organizations, diplomatic missions and professionals involved in the process of attracting foreign investments, the lecture was followed with great interest and opened up a discussion and many new issues related to the process of attracting investments, the need for a strategy and new stimulative measures for FDIs, issues related to state aid and aftercare, as a very for making reinvestment decisions.

During the analysis of FDIs, both from a corporate and academic aspect, Dr. Kaspar emphasized the need for continuous improvement of the investment and business climate in the country, proactivity and professionalization of the institutions that deal with FDIs and aftercare, and maintaining a quality relationship with investors for better understanding of their needs and facilitating the process of their retention and growth, i.e. reinvestment.